Monday, July 25, 2016

pierre cardin orange pen

pierre cardin, model name: unknown.

while pierre cardin isn't a well known brand in the fountain pen world, they are well known for designs. As for pens, the fact that they sometimes use IPG nibs puts people off. at least it puts me off. On top of that, their pens are generally expensive wrt similar pens from other brands.

Not for this model. it comes with a Pierre cardin nib, with a "P" on top, and the body is really well made. On top of that, the price is quite reasonable to me, less than 100 USD for a mint unused pen. Just look at the body and you will agree with me.

in comparison with a wing sung orange pen and a campo marzio pen. i had thought the campo marzio pen is good enough, but this is even better.